2024 Celebration Reception
NSAL-DC hosted its annual Spring celebration at the City Tavern Club in Georgetown, Washington, DC on June 19, 2024. Chapter members and guests were welcomed by Sue Hamilton, NSAL-DC Secretary followed by a State of the Chapter report from Ron Ivey, President. He reported that the chapter’s finances are strong, membership has increased to 41 with six others including three student members and a new visual arts competition is planned for 2025 to honor a bequest from Harriet Newbill.
Sue Hamilton thanked outgoing chapter board members Laura Ivey (Vice President, Chapter Activities), Bianca Warner (Vice President, National Liaison), and Chris Von Guggenberg (Treasurer). She then announced the chapter board for 2024-2027: Ron Ivey (continuing as President), John Schalow (Vice President, Communications), Elizabeth Groninger (Vice President, Membership), Daisy Berexa (Treasurer), and Sue Hamilton (continuing as Secretary).
Kate Vetter Cain, chair of the vocal competition introduced Winston Scholarship winner Ryan Zhou who performed three pieces and Dorothy Lincoln Smith Competition winner Joseph Parrish who because of illness could not attend. Parrish won second place at the National meeting and sent a video of three performances which you can view here.
Carla Batka-Jones, co-chair of the Musical Theater Competition, introduced chapter winner Bryanna Batts who performed a monologue and two showtunes.
The visual arts competition winners were highlighted by Gail Ullrich for chair Celia Josephs. NSAL-DC Winston Art Scholarship first place winner, Ava Liberace was also awarded first place at the National competition. Frank Wright Art first place winner (ages 16-18), Ana Gonzales-Galvin, was in attendance and recognized by the audience as well as highly commended artist Dominick Cocozza.
A reception followed.
Winston Scholarship winner Ryan Zhou performed three pieces accompanied by Paul Rossen.
Musical Theater Competition chapter winner Bryanna Batts performed a monologue and two showtunes.