Dorothy Lincoln Smith Classical Voice Competition


The National Society of Arts and Letters is pleased to present the Dorothy Lincoln Smith Voice Competition for classical vocalists, age 23-31.

The DC chapter virtual competition will award to its 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners $2000, $1500, and $1000. The National competition will award $10,000 to its winners. (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners receive $5000, $3000, and $2000, although judges may modify monetary awards if more than three contestants show exceptional merit.) Please click below to read more about this competition and to apply.


Smith, a past National President of NSAL and past Chairwoman of the NSAL Board of Trustees, is again generously underwriting this annual competition, which began in 2017.



2024 Dorothy Lincoln Smith Classical Voice Competition, NSAL-DC Chapter Winners

1st Place: $2,000
Shelén Hughes 

2nd Place: $1,500
Joseph Parrish

3rd Place: $1,000
Alicia Russell Tagert

Judges: Dr. Kate Vetter Cain (Chair), Mr. Patrick Kilbride, Mr. Mark Duer

2024 Dorothy Lincoln Smith Classical Voice Competition, NSAL National Winners

Véronique Filloux–Arizona, 1st place; Joseph Parrish–Washington DC, 2nd place; Maggie Renée–Florida, 3rd place 

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