
Photo: “Lazy Day”, acrylic on canvas by Joyce Lee, 1st Place Winner Frank Wright Awards, Age 16-18

Winston Classical Voice Scholarship

In honor of Shirley Rabb Winston, NSAL established an annual scholarship for young classical singers age 16-22. Applicants must demonstrate exceptional talent and promise of future success. The scholarship funds are only for private study, special training or personal advancement in the applicant’s vocal career. They can be used for workshops, voice teachers, summer programs, college tuition, housing or travel.

Winston Art Scholarships

In honor of Naomi Rabb Winston, NSAL established an annual scholarship fund for young visual artists age 16-22. Applicants must demonstrate exceptional talent and promise of future success. 

The scholarship funds are for private study, special training or personal advancement in the applicants’ chosen art fields. The funds can be used for college tuition and required art supplies, but not for housing, travel or personal expenses. 

The Frank Wright Art Award

The Frank Wright Art Award 2024 was introduced in 2021 as a result of donations from the friends and family of the late Frank Wright, who received a scholarship from NSAL in his youth, which enabled him to study art, initially at American University. Applicants for the NSAL-DC Winston Art Scholarship will additionally be entered into this award.